I was watching Chuck the other night and it got me thinking. Chucky-boy over there is supposed to be a nerd. Smart, into videogames, awkward around the ladies, working at the Buy More fixing phones and computers with the greatest of ease. You're supposed to think that if it weren't for his fake relationship with Secret Agent Sarah he wouldn't even have a girlfriend.
But this is TV and we all know that there is never going to be an unattractive nerd as the lead in a primetime show. Unattractive nerds (or geeks) are relegated to side-kick status or are the constantly picked on loser who, 10 years later, goes bonkers and kills the people who tormented him. TV nerds are 6'2", in reasonably good shape and have a wardrobe full of ironic t-shirts and Converse sneakers.
And that, dear reader, is what people mean when they say they want a nerd. They really mean a TV/movie nerd. A sanitized, socially acceptable nerd. I'll admit, since I try not to be a hypocrite, that's pretty much what I want, too.
Update: A friend suggested that I go to Best Buy and find myself a Chuck. The whole point of this, which I apparently forgot to make, is that Chuck doesn't exist. Chances are that if I go down to my local Best Buy it will be populated with 17 year old kids that I probably wouldn't have liked when I was 17.
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