12 March 2009

Time for Another Rebuilding Season?

Another "as I lay me down to sleep" train of thought.

I am already concerned about this season of Eagles' football. I understand that Dawk is 35 and may have lost a step or two, but why are they dismantling a defense that (mostly) stepped up and got shit done? Especially when we have an offense that flails around like an epilectic on crack? Why trade away Buckhalter, who had flashes of brilliance? (and no, I'm not just salty because I got a Buckhalter jersey this season) Don't get me wrong, Westbrook is amazing, but what is going to happen if he gets hurt again?

And McNabb. You know what? I'm not even going to get started on good ole Donnie-boy. Just, dude, play like it means something to you. If that means you have to puke mid-game and mid-field...I'm OK with that.

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