I've been at work, working even, for 30 minutes and I completely forgot to log into my phone. Not the bestest way to start the week. I really hope that no one gives me any shit because my timesheet is going to say I started work at 10:30am but the phone log is going to say 11am.
Still working on the damn training binders. I still have a couple of days to get it done, but it is really hard to get into a rhythm. Mostly because I have papers spread all over everything and I get tired of walking in circles. If my damn boss didn't hate me, I wouldn't be dealing with this.
A strange thing has been happening to me. I have these periods of intense horniness. OK, maybe that's not so weird, but it's weird because they usually start while I'm in my car. Not anyone else's car, just mine. I'll be fine, just feeling regular, get in the car to go to work, and BAM! I'm all bitch in heat. And it fucking lingers. It happened to me on the way to work this morning, and I'm STILL twitchy. I know I'm mid-cycle, but this is nonsense. It's almost as bad as the time I went off the pill when I was living in CA. I practically wore out my (ex) husband's wee-wee. It makes it very hard to concentrate.
Oh, and my apartment is leaking again. I have a terrible feeling there may be a crack in the foundation. I also have a terrible feeling that I'm going to get home today and maintenance will have ripped out my carpet (again) and there will be a mess (again).
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