I was watching Wicked Attraction with a friend last night when I happen to look over at my cat. He was still very still in front of my hallway closet.
"Are you peeing?"
He glances at me and looks away. He doesn't move.
"Are you fucking peeing?!"
He doesn't move.
I go charging over to him and he flees away across the living room. I crouch down.
"Did he pee?" asks my friend.
I extend a trembling finger to a suspicious-looking dark spot on my apartment grade carpet. Wet. "Yes," I spit out, "he peed." I go wash my hands and grab the paper towels. I mop up his mess and spray carpet cleaner.
As annoying as this incident was, after the scares I had with him regarding the urinary blockages, I was glad that he was peeing. I only wish he had done it in the litter box. I can't help but wonder if that's just his spot to pee and that was the first time I caught him in the act.

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