28 January 2010


Someone please explain this new Google Docs thing to me.

It used to be that when you wanted to open a new document, you clicked on "Create New" and there was a drop down menu with options for "documents", "spreadsheets", etc. Now you click and get "From template..." WTF Google? Now I have to choose from dozens, nay, hundreds of Google and user generated templates? When all I want to do is bang out a story before the idea withers and dies? I'm not OK with that.

OK, scratch that. All the blame lies squarely on my browser here at work because I just went back to my Google Docs page and it was business as usual. The regular options were there. Obviously I started screaming before the damn browser managed to finish opening the page. So let's make this post officially about how the IT equipment at
work is tempermental, at best. And about how I make assumptions without having all the facts, as it were. Please continue with your regularly scheduled day and try to forget about my stupidity.

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