I figure there are three possibilities. One, he thought it was funny/clever/cute/whatever, but didn't think a reply was necessary. Two, he did not find it funny/clever/cute/whatever, and is sparing my feelings by NOT replying. Three, he never checks his email and my clever little thing is languishing away in the inbox.
Are you ready to ask me why it matters so much? More importantly, do you want to ask what my clever little thing was? Because I like this boy. For a minute, after the meet-up, I thought that I had overestimated my virtual attraction, and that I didn't want him the way I thought I did. Um, I was wrong. I want to see him again. I want the wild monkey sex (eventually). I want to know if he realized I thought it was a date, or if he just assumed that his general awesomeness attracted yet another moth.
Here comes the oh-so typical girl reaction: Did he realize it was a date (to me)? Why would he say we could do "this" again if he didn't think I was an okay person? Why wouldn't he acknowledge my tiny effort to maintain contact? Why aren't I asking him these questions? As I've stated before, when you ask questions, you get answers. I don't know if I'm prepared for the answers I may get.
Of course, having a boring job and an overactive imagination, I have come up with a few ideas. Here's how it goes:
Him: Sorry I took so long to reply to your email. I'm really lax about checking it unless I am expecting something. Your clever thing was clever.
Me: Oh, don't worry about it. I've gone days without checking my mail. (Well, maybe I wouldn't say that. It's a lie and I don't like to lie, even if it furthers my purposes.) Thanks, I was inspired.
Him: I was thinking about seeing [insert movie here] this weekend. Do you want to go?
Me: Definitely. No one else I know is interested in going. I was about ready to see it alone. (Not a lie - I often go to movies alone.)
Him: Excellent. I'll met you at this place, at this time.
A relatively mild fantasy, I'll grant you, but that's really all I'm allowing myself to hope for. I do have far dirtier and involved scenarios, but those are for another post.
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