14 July 2008

Monday Rant

It has not been a great morning.

It's gray and rainy here in the NE. I don't mind rain and while I don't own an umbrella, I'm a big fan of hats, so I manage pretty well. I was having a fairly efficient morning despite having gone to bed significantly later than I usually do on a Sunday night. I was going to stop at Wawa on my way to pick up a co-worker, get my caffeine infusion and hopefully be somewhat functional at work.

It was still raining fairly steadily as I walked to my car. I beeped my car open and as I opened the door, I noticed a drop of rain fall on the seat. Not a big deal, I can hear you thinking. Except that this drop of rain fell too far in. Normally, when you open your car door in the rain, the door frame and possibly the edge of the seat will get spattered, but not much else. Well, unless it's raining sideways. This drop of water fell more towards the middle of the seat. A random occurrence, right? I slid into my car and promptly felt wetness seeping into my underpants. My. car. was. soaked.

Since I found out my left foot is fractured, I've been driving my mom's car. The podiatrist looked so horrified when I told him that I drove stick - apparently the pressure is terrible. Luckily, my excellent parents were willing to work a trade until my foot heals. It's a nice car, but it has a few quirks. For example, the sunroof will open all the way when you flick the switch. Nice one touch feature, right? Yeah, well, it does not work the same in reverse. When you go to close the sunroof, it closes most of the way and then stops with the roof still open about 6 inches. You have to tap the switch again to get the roof to close all the way. Guess what Carrie G. forgot to do last night?

Oh, the profanity. I dug out my house keys and stomped back to my apartment. I changed my pants, grabbed a pile of towels and a roll of garbage bags. I stomped back to the car and wrestled a garbage bag over the back of the seat. Mind you, my semi-dry ass is hanging out in the rain, becoming progressively less dry. I finished my seat-covering and clambered into the car.

By this point, I've completely blown my margin. I make the decision to bypass Wawa and go straight to my co-worker's house. I get to her house and shoot her a text. She texted back "2 min." I did not want to hear that. I'm already running behind schedule and you're going to make me wait? My ass is still wet, I'm dangerously undercaffeinated, it's fucking Monday and it's pissing down rain. Oh, and I forgot my lunch and everything I had in the pockets of the pants I was wearing? Yeah, still in the pockets of the pants that are not on my body. Grrr.

The thing is; I don't want to be in a bad mood. I don't want to have to pay extra attention to what I say so I don't inadvertently offend someone. I don't want every little thing that may go wrong today to drive me into fits of rage. So, I'm going to lay back for a bit. I'm not going to initiate conversations unless I have to. I have some coffee in me, so that's a step in the right direction. Also, they finally fixed the A/C here at work. You are my witness - I will never complain about it being too cold in the office. I'd much rather have to wear a hoodie to keep warm than be too warm and only want to take a nap. Um, the nap thing may happen regardless of the temperature. I am at work.

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