23 March 2010

One Has Nothing To Do With The Other

Four people in the last 5 or so days have commented on my weight - in a good way. For the record, I haven't lost any weight recently. At least, that's according to the scale and my ego-crushing Wii. Whatever the cause, it's nice to hear. I think I got the comment today because, for once, I'm wearing nothing remotely baggy. And my ensemble is all black, which everyone knows knocks about 5lbs off. To say nothing of my kick-ass motorcycle/cowboy boots which draw the eye downward (and give me a nice swagger too!).

In "oops, that was embarrassing news" I managed to let out a sizable fart at my desk. The kind that flaps your ass cheeks. The bitch of it is, I don't know how audible it was as I was A) coughing and B) wearing my headset. My neighbor didn't recoil in massive disgust, but she's a pretty cool chick, so maybe she chose not to draw attention to my flatulence. As I didn't immediately pass out from the odor, I guess I got lucky this time.

image courtesy of flowtv.org who got it somewhere else, i'm sure

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