I don't really have anything specific to write about...nothing new there. I guess the most exciting? interesting? good? news is that I'm starting to come out of the funk that has plagued me for the last six weeks. It's not that I haven't had my low points before; they just usually happen in the fall/winter months. I think this one hit harder because I'm used to being far cheerier (as far as that word can be applied to me) in the spring/summer months.
Quick poll: Who has a Wii? Those of you who raised a hand: Who finds that they try way too hard when playing games like Mario Slugger and have shoulder pain the next day? *cheepcheep Just me, huh? I don't know what it is about that stupid console but if there is throwing or batting involved, I'm going all out. It's the same with Mortal Kombat. I will twirl and kick and punch. Star Wars - I will attack you with my plastic lightsaber. Most of these games don't actually require you to move that much, but I suppose that moderation has never been my watchword. I would just hate to have to go to my doc with a raging case of Wii elbow.
Let's see...I think my pen pal is bored with me. As I wasn't expecting him to stay in contact after he got home, I'm not really all that bummed out about it. I provided a service and he no longer needs it. Honestly, I was surprised he emailed me at all after getting home. Anyway, I wish him well.
There's a project at work that I'm supposed to be getting trained on but something keeps thwarting my (tiny) efforts to get logged in. Which is fine by me. If Stoneface wasn't such an ass, I wouldn't be doing a job that the company wanted to hire someone full-time to do. Stupid pharma wouldn't lay out the $$$. Bitches.
There's a movie coming out this Friday that I'm super excited about. It's called Moon and it stars Sam Rockwell. Look at me! I'm the next IMDB! Anyway, the movie looks creepy and cool and I can't wait. Hopefully I'll be able to post a review. Not that reviews are my strong suit. I'm not one for analyzing stuff. I was the kid in English class who said "How do you know that's what the author meant? Did you ask him? Maybe the room is just where she likes to sit and isn't a metaphor for her being imprisoned in her delusions."
I told you I had nothing much.
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