16 January 2009

Tiny and Adorable

Mmmmm, toys.

I got a text message from my dad today stating that I had a package waiting for me at my parents' house. I let out a little "squeee!" and may have wiggled in my chair a bit. My eeePC had arrived! Ohboyohboyohboy!

I made tracks to the parents' and there it was. Everything packed in a box that was about 8"x12"x4". I broke out the pocketknife and sliced happily through the packing tape. Nestled in a white wrapper was my tiny 1000HA.

It is super shiny and yes, it picks up fingerprints like a motherfucker. Luckily, a handy little cleaning cloth is included. The screen is bright and sharp. I'm still getting used to the smaller size, but hiding the taskbar helps. I've been playing with it for about 2 and a half hours now, and it's only warm. The shift key placement is a bit tricky, but I think I'll be able to adjust. The spacebar is about 2/3 normal size but it hasn't been an issue so far. The touchpad is super sensitive and the buttons work fine as long as you remember to tap on the front edge. The two-finger scroll isn't great, but that may be a practice issue.

So far my biggest problem is a wireless issue. I'm having some trouble getting on my network but I can deal with being wired for now. I'm beginning the verrrrrry slow process of entering passwords, bookmarking pages and downloading assorted junk.

1 comment:

  1. The first thing you need to get is called Foxmarks. It's a bookmark and password synchronizer for firefox. Then you will never have that problem again. Trust me, it's helped me countless times now. Weird about the wireless. I'll talk to JewFro about it, see what he says.
